

新版新概念英语第三册(英音)Lesson (56) - 朗文

新版新概念英语第三册(英音)Lesson (56)-朗文.mp3
[00:01.08]--- lesson 56 our neighbour, the river [...
[00:01.08]--- lesson 56 our neighbour, the river
[00:06.72]--- listen to the tape then answer the question below.
[00:12.64]--- why had the neighbours left their farm?
[00:18.04]the river which forms the eastern boundary of our farm has always played an important part in our lives.
[00:25.72]without it we could not make a living.
[00:28.68]there is only enough spring water to supply the needs of the house, so we have to pump from the river for farm use.
[00:35.88]we tell the river all our secrets.
[00:38.44]we know instinctively, just as beekeepers with their bees,
[00:42.36]that misfortune might overtake us if the important events of our lives were not related to it.
[00:49.12]we have special river birthday parties in the summer.
[00:52.76]sometimes we go upstream to a favourite backwater,
[00:57.0]sometimes we have our party at the boathouse,
[01:00.08]which a predecessor of ours at the farm built in the meadow hard by the deepest pool for swimming and diving.
[01:08.12]in a heat wave we choose a midnight birthday party and that is the most exciting of all.
[01:15.32]we welcome the seasons by the riverside, crowning the youngest girl with flowers in the spring,
[01:21.6]holding a summer festival on midsummer eve, giving thanks for the harvest in the autumn,
[01:27.92]and throwing a holly wreath into the current in the winter.
[01:32.6]after a long period of rain the river may overflow its banks.
[01:37.64]this is a rare occurrence as our climate seldom goes to extremes.
[01:42.72]we are lucky in that only the lower fields, which make up a very small proportion of our farm, are affected by flooding,
[01:51.28]but other farms are less favorably sited, and flooding can sometimes spell disaster for their owners.
[01:59.04]one had winter we watched the river creep up the lower meadows.
[02:03.92]all the cattle had been moved into stalls and we stood to lose little.
[02:08.88]we were, however, worried about our nearest neighbours, whose farm was low lying and who were newcomers to the district.
[02:17.12]as the floods had put the telephone out of order, we could not find out how they were managing.
[02:23.48]from an attic window we could get a sweeping view of the river where their land joined ours,
[02:29.6]and at the most critical juncture we took turns in watching that point.
[02:34.28]the first sign of disaster was a dead sheep floating down.
[02:38.95999]next came a horse, swimming bravely,
[02:41.95999]but we were afraid that the strength of the current would prevent its landing anywhere before it became exhausted.
[02:48.88]suddenly a raft appeared, looking rather like noah's ark, carrying the whole family, a few hens, the dogs, a cat, and a bird in a cage.
[03:00.68]we realized that they must have become unduly frightened by the rising flood,
[03:06.0]for their house, which had sound foundations, would have stood stoutly even if it had been almost submerged.
[03:14.16]the men of our family waded down through our flooded meadows with boathooks,in the hope of being able to grapple a corner of the raft and pull it out of the current towards our bank.
[03:25.28]we still think it a miracle that they were able to do so.