

如何成为一名管理人员(4/4) - 英语听力

OK,so once you're a manger are there any other tip...
OK,so once you're a manger are there any other tips? I suppose one of the biggest complaints I hear from new managers is that they say 'I've been in meetings all day and haven't got any real work done'. I always have to tell them 'that's your job'. Managers delegate, they coach, they build relationships and they monitor performance. Your new role is strategic. It isn't so hands-on. The other tip I always give is that when you take over from your previous boss, listen to his or her advice but remember that you can also do things differently. You don't have to be a clone. Develop a style based on your personal strengths. Dede McGee. That's all we have time for now. Thanks very much for talking to us. If you'd like more information on this topic or any others in today's programme just visit our website at www...