

Sogno - Andrea Bocelli

Sogno-Andrea Bocelli.mp3
[00:0.0]《Sogno(Dream)》 [00:9.0]Sung By Andrea Bo...
[00:9.0]Sung By Andrea Bocelli
[00:15.0]Va ti aspettero'(Go then, I will wait for you)
[00:20.0]II fiore nel giardino segna il tempo(The flowers in the garden will mark your absence)
[00:31.0]Qui disegnero' il giomo poi del tuo ritorno(And rejoice the day of your return)
[00:44.0]Sei cosi sicura del mio amore(Of my love you are so sure)
[00:47.0]Da portarlo via con te(So sure you can take it with you)
[00:52.0]Chiuso nelle mani che ti porti al viso(Cupped in the hands that you raise to your face)
[00:57.0]Ripensando ancora a me(As you still think of me)
[00:59.0]E se ti servira' lo mostri al mondo(And if you need to)
[01:13.33]Che non sa che vita c'e`(you can show it to the world)
[01:25.]Nel cuore che distratto sembra assente(A world that couldn't)
[01:36.67]Non sa che vita c'e`(begin to understand what lives)
[01:48.33]In quello che soltanto il cuore sente(In an uncaring absent heart)
[01:68.33]Non sa(That couldn't begin to understand what a heart can truly feel)
[01:95.]Qui ti aspettero'(This is where I will wait for you)
[02:05.]E rubero' i baci al tempo(Stealing imaginary kisses as time goes by)
[02:2.]Tempo che non basta a cancellare(Time, time cannot erase the memories and the desire)
[02:33.33]Coi ricordi il desiderio che(That you cup in the hands)
[02:33.33]Resta chiuso nelle mani che ti porti al viso(you raise to your face)
[02:4.]Ripensando a me(As you still think of me)
[02:43.33]E ti accompagnera' passando le citta' da me(Throughout your journey it will lead you back to me)
[02:56.67]Da me che sono ancora qui(For I'll still be waiting here, dreaming)
[02:78.33]E sogno cose che non so di te(Dreaming of your unknown whereabouts)
[02:9.]Dove sara' che strada fara' il tuo ritorno(Picturing the scene you'll return to, and how you'll return)
[03:08.33]Sogno(I dream)
[03:4.]Qui ti aspettero'(This is where I will wait for you)
[03:5.]E rubero' i baci al tempo(Stealing imaginary kisses as time goes by)
[03:71.67]Un rumore il vento che mi sveglia(A noise, the wind awakes me)
[03:81.67]E sie gia' qua(And you're already here)
[03:91.67]The End.
[03:91.67]The End.