

The Countries of the World Song - Wee Sing

The Countries of the World Song-Wee Sing.mp3
[00:0.0]The Countries of the World Song - Wee Sing...
[00:0.0]The Countries of the World Song - Wee Sing (童谣)
[00:1.21]The countries of the world
[00:4.32]The countries of the world
[00:7.36]The countries of the world
[00:10.3]The countries of the world
[00:15.02]Chile Argentina Uruguay
[00:21.07]有智利 阿根廷 乌拉圭
[00:21.07]Paraguay Bolivia Peru
[00:26.97]巴拉圭 玻利维亚 秘鲁
[00:26.97]Ecuador Columbia Brazil
[00:32.97]厄瓜多尔 哥伦比亚 巴西
[00:32.97]French Guiana Sudan and Guiana
[00:41.88]法国 圭亚那 苏丹和圭亚那地区
[00:41.88]Venezuela Aruba Curussel Bonnie
[00:51.02]委内瑞拉 阿拉伯
[00:51.02]Tranada and Tabasco
[00:53.89]格拉纳达和和 塔巴斯科
[00:53.89]Grenada saint Vincent and Negranadies
[00:59.63]格林纳达 圣文森特和 内戈拉
[00:59.63]Barbedas Saint Lushia
[01:07.15]巴巴多斯岛 卢森堡
[01:07.15]Matinik Dominica Guadalu
[01:17.15]马提尼克岛 多米尼克 瓜拉路
[01:19.62]Antiga and Burmuda
[01:24.82]The countries of the world
[01:29.82]The countries of the world
[01:34.82]The countries of the world
[01:39.78]The countries of the world
[01:46.83]Saint Keith and Evice
[01:5.]Saint Martin angular
[01:57.45]Virgiana Puerto Rico Dominican republic
[01:72.75]维吉尼亚 波多黎各 多米尼加共和国
[01:72.75]Haiti Turkeson Keico silence the Bahamas
[01:87.57]海地 土耳其斯坦 刚果共和国 巴哈马群岛
[01:87.57]Cuba the Camaninens Jamaica Panama
[01:99.48]古巴 卡马里奥 牙买加 巴拿马
[01:99.48]Costa Rico Nicaragua Honduras
[02:09.68]哥斯达黎加 尼加拉瓜 洪都拉斯
[02:09.68]El Salvador Guatemala Belize
[02:22.68]萨尔瓦多 危地马拉 伯利兹
[02:22.68]Mexico united states of America Canada
[02:37.43]墨西哥 美国 加拿大
[02:37.43]The countries of the world
[02:42.37]The countries of the world
[02:47.42]The countries of the world
[02:52.37]The countries of the world
[02:57.42]The countries of the world
[02:62.27]The countries of the world
[02:67.3]The countries of the world
[02:72.42]The countries of the world
[02:77.35]The countries of the world
[02:82.32]The countries of the world
[02:87.37]The countries of the world
[02:92.35]The countries of the world
[02:97.28]The countries of the world
[03:02.35]The countries of the world
[03:07.28]The countries of the world
[03:12.38]The countries of the world
[03:17.28]The countries of the world
[03:22.28]The countries of the world
[03:27.35]The countries of the world
[03:32.35]The countries of the world