

巨龙的殒落 - YK乐团

作曲 : Yerko Lorca 歌曲描述YK乐团原创小说《Árcaron...
作曲 : Yerko Lorca


The song tells an event that happened in the fantastic world of Árcaron. A planet with two moons. In the novel, King Derewo and Kerel Tairet together quote the poem that accompanies this song.

This poem deals with the only known story of the dragon knights ethnic group. A group that with a mysterious principle since, in physical appearance, they are very different from neighboring towns and other ethnic groups in the area. And even though they were first seen in the Ashlands, it is unknown where they really come from. Since the ancient scriptures attest that they simply appeared suddenly. Dragon knights are extremely talented in combat. So the other people hired them as protectors.
History tells how together with other groups and peoples, they developed a powerful civilization. But the dragon knights were betrayed by an oppressive king.