

应收账款 (Diplomatic Immunity Remix) - 直火帮 Straight Fire Gang

应收账款 (Diplomatic Immunity Remix)-直火帮 Straight Fire Gang.mp3
[00:00.000] 作词 : Feezy/Zigga/XZT [00:01.000] 作...
[00:00.000] 作词 : Feezy/Zigga/XZT
[00:01.000] 作曲 : Drake
[00:28.055]有人说她听哭了 也有人
[00:30.41]they wanna hug you
[00:31.255]man they love you, and your ****
[00:33.16]that’s the truth been told
[00:34.288]may the force be with you
[00:36.01]may you never sell your soul
[00:37.519]I know, I know I know
[00:40.793]今后 介绍我们 前缀就别加上 “新秀”
[00:43.945]亲口 报上你名来 别跟我谈情怀
[00:47.191]我要看投资收益比 你最好讲明白
[00:50.255]上个半年 做着专辑 我都没时间喘息
[00:53.045]所以下个半年 我要飞去拉萨吸吸氧气
[00:56.223]讲道理 事到如今如果你不知道直火帮
[00:59.452]该换了你的老黄历 找人帮你治口腔
[01:02.559]以前地铁八号线 经常会坐到到大世界
[01:05.708]那时想走出这墙外 想看更大的世界
[01:08.905]现在转了一圈回来 也没活得更明白
[01:12.471]别妄图规划未来 日料吃得起四叶
[01:15.191]fxck your 职业规划 workshop
[01:17.37]man I hate that shxt
[01:18.208]如果祸从口出 大不了我
[01:20.55]ate that shxt
[01:23.34]now they pay me to stay at it
[01:25.071]yeah, stay lavish, my money still reddish
[01:31.01]now quit being an addict
[01:33.16]they need to be properly managed
[01:35.394]从恨到爱 从爱到恨 这问题棘手
[01:43.576]他们对hiphop的态度就是 “用完即走”
[01:47.143]这些改变来来去去 我没兴趣过问
[01:50.311]他们的歌字字句句 都写着“默认”
[01:52.947]Mo attention mo problem
[02:00.695]yeah 等我回到洛城 这账也应该收了 清空我的库存
[02:22.040]but by this time听到的全是“你们专辑之前居然如此谦虚”
[02:25.135]十五块卖的是不是便宜 给爷爷奶奶爸爸母子勉励
[02:28.159]What if I told you
[02:31.524]But I guess that ok
[02:32.68]as long as I know what my soul say
[02:35.24]still real, shxt is nothing like role play
[02:38.41]there’s no save
[02:40.21]load page
[02:46.831]久违的flow谐音让它流泪 but fxck that我还是不能后退
[02:56.343]And I’m never getting a grammy and I know that
[02:59.079]is a cold fact, but my throat warm inside that cold neck
[03:01.591]if you ask my granny, she knows that
[03:03.007]They can’t lock up your mind hold that,
[03:04.64]Just wait till they free Kodak
[03:05.000]At least I still possess my gold sack
[03:07.91]my bank account still hold cash
[03:09.199]And for the time being just let them know its called Account Receivable
[03:12.576]I Might seem to be memeable
[03:14.17]my humor make y’all deceivable
[03:15.023]It might sound unbelieveable
[03:18.863]就算锯了手 去了喉 闭了眸when they hear me 别说遇了狗
[03:21.887]No matter what they say about this air
[03:23.86]let my lung tell you its breathable
[03:24.447]No matter what y’all think about this reality
[03:26.98]nothing is unspeakable
[03:27.807]I want whatever i say, I say whatever I want
[03:32.74]You’ll hear where this voice is from
[03:34.225]I want whatever i say, I say whatever I want
[03:38.322]Message gon be heard, when I collect my account
[03:41.208]我写歌到九点 今晚住酒店
[03:45.591]Keep it real 现在被人说成了厚颜无耻
[03:47.608]原来如此 地狱火 敌不过 如来佛的大拇指
[03:50.095]还得感谢它带来的福祉 阻止我练说唱的功夫
[03:53.183]饭都没吃 空腹 不一会的工夫 共赴 一个又一个battle
[03:56.375]一刻一刻都不能停留 是歌迷的请求 XZT领头
[03:59.447]出门兜一兜风 袖口抖一抖望我家门口 又站了多少新手
[04:02.535]我睡眼惺忪 听英勇的你亲口 坦白你心头的阴谋
[04:05.677]说别人不敢说的 去做别人不敢做的
[04:07.447]不就是Hiphop教会我的 其他rappers都太娇贵
[04:09.168]悄悄对 自己的虚荣 屈从 不去和我一同
[04:11.727]拿着Microphone 将所有的观众操纵
[04:12.893]你不如回去务农 在你脑子里建座故宫中目空一切
[04:15.154]不知道自己的腹中 装的都是蛀虫 却不知道你的工作就是护送
[04:18.603]King XZT to be the best MC
[04:19.993]不满意就来和我比一比 如果有Chinese BET, they call me B.I.G.
[04:23.487]但我歌词的意义胜过TED, 技艺胜过TDE.
[04:26.620]直火帮懒得进rapper堆里 不费吹灰之力 你的威力 亏你还好意思在我面前吹逼, baby.
[04:31.098]我是医生 你是护士
[04:32.752]我看重精神 你看重物质
[04:34.160]我们来一轮battle, I bet you’ll lose.
[04:35.831]You choose to 复制我的路.
[04:37.671]Defeated by XZT, 是光荣的墓志铭