

【听美文故事记六级单词】法国女人是欧洲最优质的女人吗(2/2) - 英语听力

The paper described French females as "champions o...
The paper described French females as "champions of Europe" for producing babies and longevity. Official figures put them on a par with the Irish in terms of fertility, with 1.9 children born to each woman, compared with 1.7 in Britain or 1.4 in America. On life expectation, French women are said to vie with the Spanish, reaching an average age of nearly 84. Commentators and experts anxious for something good to say about the French model, shorter working hours, entrenched labour rights and a social security system that critics say France cannot afford, speculate that it has much to do with the supposed supremacy of womanhood. Aids to an emancipated womanhood include supervised homework sessions, subsidised holiday camps for children and generous family allowances. Even the much derided 35 hour working week plays its part, theoretically giving working mothers more time to spend with their children without losing out at work.

报告指出,法国女人在生育能力和寿命发面是欧洲最优质的女人。生育能力方面的官方数据,法国和英国接近。平均每个法国妇女生育1.9个孩子,而英国妇女为1.7个,美国妇女为1.4个。 在寿命方面,法国妇女的平均寿命达到84岁,可以和西班牙人相媲美。 评论家和专家指出法国妇女的这些优势得益于“法国劳动者模式”——工作时间短、劳动权利明确、社会保障制度稳定等(批评家们称法国并不能承担这些)——而这些也主要和所谓的霸权主义有关系。 对一个被解放女人的帮助包括法国市政提供托儿所,监督孩子家庭作业,对孩子度假露营的补贴以及慷慨的家庭津贴。 甚至每周35个小时的工作时间也起了作用,它使得许多法国母亲在不耽误工作的情况下,获得更多照顾孩子的时间。