

Float Along - ZHANGYE&Bailey Jehl

Float Along-ZHANGYE&Bailey Jehl.mp3
[00:00.0]Float Along (Instrumental) - ZHANGYE/Bail...
[00:00.0]Float Along (Instrumental) - ZHANGYE/Bailey Jehl
[00:00.38]Original Lyrics:ZHANGYE/Bailey Jehl
[00:01.18]Mixed and mastered by:Richard Furch at the mixHaus Studios, Los Angeles @richardfurchmix
[00:02.66]Assisted by:Domenic Tenaglia
[00:07.87]There you went out in the world
[00:12.04]你曾离开 童年之地
[00:12.04]Carefully you stepped beyond
[00:15.88]步履维艰 小心翼翼
[00:15.88]You didn't know what was to come
[00:19.45]苍野茫茫 未知天地
[00:19.45]As you kept growing up
[00:23.82]野蛮生长 孜孜追寻
[00:23.82]Waves of life kept coming in
[00:27.88]生命浪潮 起伏不定
[00:27.88]But that's when you would reminisque
[00:31.92]童年之地 藏于心底
[00:31.92]Back to that old shallow end
[00:35.85]浅浅的滩 始终如一
[00:35.85]That you grew up on
[00:39.87]旧地重现 荡起涟漪
[00:39.87]That's where you would catch your breath
[00:43.93]那时的你 轻吸口气
[00:43.93]Calm your soul for that next step
[00:47.48]沉了沉心 踽踽前行
[00:47.48]Your fingers traced the waters
[00:50.69]浅滩流连 指尖涟漪
[00:50.69]As you would float along
[00:55.99]一叶浮萍 茕茕孑立
[01:11.92]Colors flicker in your mind
[01:15.92]思绪万千 五彩斑斓
[01:15.92]As you dream of paradise
[01:19.9]昔日梦境 世外桃源
[01:19.9]Laying in the long wet grass
[01:23.53]卧于草间 浸湿衣边
[01:23.53]As you look to the sky
[01:43.85]放眼望天 云舒霞卷
[01:43.85]Streams of blue would pass on by
[01:47.82]天高云淡 蔚蓝如涧
[01:47.82]The sun behind the mountainside
[01:51.5]一抹艳阳 藏于青山
[01:51.5]Would shine upon the waters
[01:55.17]金色余辉 倾泻水面
[01:55.17]Lighting up your restless eyes
[01:59.89]波光潋滟 夺目刺眼
[01:59.89]To this day it's still so real
[02:03.85]旧事扑面 清晰依然
[02:03.85]You think back each time you feel
[02:07.54]历历在目 一一浮现
[02:07.54]Like seeing your reflection
[02:11.46]魂归故里 旧时浅滩
[02:11.46]In that old shallow end
[02:15.88]倒影中人 相视无言
[02:15.88]That's where you would catch your breath
[02:19.81]那时的你 轻吸口气
[02:19.81]Calm your soul for that next step
[02:23.62]沉了沉心 踽踽前行
[02:23.62]Your fingers traced the waters
[02:26.88]浅滩流连 指尖涟漪
[02:26.88]As you would float along
[02:31.89]一叶浮萍 茕茕孑立
[02:47.95999]That's where you would catch your breath
[02:51.84]那时的你 轻吸口气
[02:51.84]Calm your soul for that next step
[02:55.57]沉了沉心 踽踽前行
[02:55.57]Your fingers traced the waters
[02:58.63]浅滩流连 指尖涟漪
[02:58.63]As you would float along
[03:03.59]一叶浮萍 茕茕孑立