

香格里拉 16 - 英语听力

香格里拉 16-英语听力.mp3
Ai Lao Xiang is of the Hani tribe, from the mounta...
Ai Lao Xiang is of the Hani tribe, from the mountain village of Mengsong. Roasted, the tender shoots he gathers will make a tasty dish. The Hani have many uses for the different bamboos they grow and find in the forest around. Though flexible enough to be woven, bamboo has a higher tensile strength than steel. Succulent when young, in maturity it's tough and durable, ideal for making a table and strong enough for a pipe to last a lifetime.

哈尼族有一个聚居地叫哀牢,坐落于今西双版纳州勐海县的勐宋乡。他采集的嫩竹笋将会被烤成一道美味的菜肴。哈尼族不仅从树林中采集竹子 也种植各个品种竹子以供不同的用途。尽管竹子足够柔韧以至于可以用来穿戴,但竹子却拥有比钢还要好的抗张强度,嫩竹子富含水分,成材的竹子制成的桌子坚固耐用,用竹子做成的水烟筒甚至可以用上一辈子。