

Hashtag - lil Broka Ramax

Hashtag-lil Broka Ramax.mp3
[00:00.000] 作词 : 无 [00:00.000] 作曲 : 无 [00:00...
[00:00.000] 作词 : 无
[00:00.000] 作曲 : 无
[00:00.00]#Hashtag 物欲标签
[00:04.06]-lil borka ramax
[00:06.47]作曲 : Case-g
[00:08.60]作词 : lil Broka Ramla
[00:11.81]喂 不要再睡了快起来啦
[00:14.83]外面下起雨啦 是满地的金钱雨啊
[00:22.24]Oh I wanna that money rain money rain money money money rain 我想要金钱雨我想要挥金如土
[00:28.25]Dollars run in like a crazy hurricane 钞票像暴风雨一样从窗外飞进来
[00:31.41]oh I got some plans on my dirty brain 看着这些钱我想到了一个好的点子
[00:33.60]Today I want to take a train to Berlin 我要坐上火车去柏林
[00:36.61]Packed up all my jean I am not insane 打包好我的行李 我不是在做梦
[00:39.20]All the cutie boy line up in a chain 所有的型男排排站
[00:41.70]Dress like our DC hero Bruce Wayne 穿着蝙蝠侠的紧身衣
[00:44.51]Give me hornor like I am dat best champion 给我冠军般的荣誉
[00:47.40]Treat me like I am the mother ****er kingpin 给我皇帝般的待遇
[00:50.02]Then I tell the top three boy thin 然后我指着最瘦的那三个
[00:52.49]You are all my type and so you all win 你们都是我中意的类型
[00:55.23]Since I got money and it will kill all the pain 既然我有了钱 我就没有了痛苦
[00:58.26]Why you say money is an original sin 为什么有人说金钱是痛苦的源泉
[01:00.76]Give me pretty skin piggy bank for my gin 给我雪白的肌肤 无穷的乐趣
[01:03.37]Never worriiiiii about my dopamine 再也不用担心我的多巴胺分泌不够
[01:06.02]你快看 我自掏腰包 买了新的包包
[01:10.48]还有这个 新的口红 绝版色号
[01:14.25]这件衣服 是不是美到冒泡
[01:16.70]别上班了啦 回去睡觉
[01:19.01]不跟你说了 我先走了
[01:21.06]我可是花了大钱 请了警车 载我去快乐
[01:27.10]Yes you want this money rain money rain money money money rain 你想要金钱雨你想要挥金如土
[01:32.87]In the first place I saw angle on your face 最开始我还能看到你善良的面孔
[01:36.05]You use part of your money for your tiny space 你用一部分的钱来装饰你的小窝
[01:38.31]Spending dollars like 'FLASH' pace 然后就开始 无限制的花钱 就好像闪电侠的速度
[01:40.98]You get useless **** all over your place 你在家里堆满了无用的东西
[01:43.84]Now you stand here hold on to a mace 现在你拿着狼牙棒站在街道上
[01:46.48]You try to rob other people's life case 你试图拿走别人手中的保险箱
[01:49.06]Don't you realize 你是否意识到
[01:50.79]The greedy evil whispers and tell you the worst ever advise 有个恶魔在你耳边低语
[01:54.30]Open your fking eyes 睁开你的双眼
[01:56.29]Oh little boys are crying and begging for a piece of apple pie 小男孩在哭泣祈求一片面包
[01:59.91]Time is clockwise 时间一去不复返
[02:01.54]You can never make it back so never do it perfectly unwise 无法逆转的决定需要谨慎思考
[02:05.39]You know old days can never be revise 过去的时日将不可重来
[02:07.93]Cuz we can never repeat the past sunrise 就好像昨日的夕阳无法再现
[02:10.74]When you put money into your own case 当你将拿来的钱放进自己的口袋
[02:13.46]Did you ever look around for those hopeless face 你是否环顾周围那些无助的双眼
[02:16.46]People right here are in your own race 站在你身边的人 也曾是你的亲友
[02:18.73]Why can't you just be full of grace 为什么你不能心存感激
[02:21.37]Give up the chase 放弃追逐名利
[02:22.83]Cooperate 合作双赢
[02:24.06]Throw the ball to the very last base 一起走到最后
[02:26.85]Stop right there all the ******g bad memory happened here can still be erased 如果在这里收手 所有不好的记忆还有被消除的可能
[02:32.45]不可以啊 你还给我啊 这是我的钱啊
[02:37.39]你看看我 我也很可怜啊
[02:48.74]放手 不放
[02:53.88]Right you want this money rain money rain money money money rain 是的你想要金钱雨你想要挥金如土
[02:59.30]But did you notice that a black cat walk to you wearing a death hat 但是 你是否意识到 黑猫戴着死神之帽向你走来
[03:04.58]How you utter your feeling You are such a brat 你愤怒的表达方式如同一个小孩
[03:07.40]Soliloque like you are doing chat 自言自语却好像是在与谁交谈着
[03:09.69]You wanna all the money You wanna life be sunny 你想要金钱 你想要快乐的生活
[03:12.87]You don't want to take any damn risk 可你却不愿意承担任何的风险
[03:15.47]Huh Funny 嗯 真有意思
[03:15.98]Squander all your money 挥霍了所有的金钱
[03:17.27]Think its just a beginning of your crazy ******g daydreaming 你却以为只是冰山一角
[03:20.83]The resource and opportunity would be ever lasting 你以为机会和资源会永存
[03:24.74]You never think this is interesting 你却从来不觉得自己的想法幼稚可笑
[03:26.26]There was no story about greedy evil's fighting 这里没有邪恶的灵魂来对你进行催眠
[03:29.49]The life geting rich is inviting 仅仅只是有钱后的生活让你沉醉
[03:31.75]People's comforting advice start to sound extremely annoying 旁人的善良建议听起来却变的异常的刺耳
[03:37.63]Finally No grind No gain 最后的最后 没有耕耘何来收获
[03:39.82]Your selfness makes you look like no brain 你的自私让你的大脑一片空白
[03:42.72]When you waste your coins you never need to be trained 花钱似乎是一种从来都不需要训练的行为
[03:45.37]You are a hypebeast and that make you fain 买潮牌买到得意忘形
[03:48.50]Last penny getting spent 当你花尽最后一分钱
[03:50.65]Soul woken in the very end 灵魂似乎终于清醒了过来
[03:53.17]Humanity cannot be break in 人性早已不复存在
[03:55.56]No one knows where you have been 没有人知道 你经历了什么
[04:00.00]SO NOW Do you still wanna this Money Rain? 所以 现在 你还想要这场金钱雨吗