

Out-of-Sync - Ah Woo

Out-of-Sync-Ah Woo.mp3
作词 : Ah Woo 作曲 : Ah Woo [00:00]Out-of-Sync [00...
作词 : Ah Woo
作曲 : Ah Woo
[00:01]作词:Ah Woo
[00:01]作曲:Ah Woo
[00:01]Beat:Raspo Beat

[00:03]Though we are not machines (不像机器那般)
[00:07]Baby we are out-of-sync (我们已不再协调)
[00:11]#Ah Woo~

[00:14]Feel like s*** (感觉很糟)
[00:16]It's hard to tell whose fault this is (不知是谁的过错)
[00:21]Something never anticipated (这感觉也不曾预料)
[00:24]Hope what I’m going through isn't where you’ve been to (只希望你不曾经历我所经历的)


[00:44]Lately it feels like there’s something going on (最近总觉得有什么不对劲)
[00:47]But everything seems so natural, I can’t tell you what is wrong (但一切如常 不知出了什么差错)
[00:51]Between us, Has been this way for so long (我们如此已经许久)
[00:53]Why am I upset about it now, And it is coming at me strong (为何我现在才心烦意乱 这感觉与日俱增)
[00:58]Reminiscing, It’s not the first time I’m disappointed though (想来 这已不是第一次感到失望)
[01:02]I’m neglected, When you don’t visit my place anymore (感到被忽视 当你不再主动来找我)
[01:06]You used to cross the road, Straight to my home, Day to day after school (曾经 你放学后便会穿过马路 直达我家 日日如此)
[01:10]Then I only got to see you at a two-day interval (后来 只能隔天才见上一面)
[01:13]Reject my video calls, Cuz you’re too lazy to hold your phone (懒得举着手机 便拒绝视频通话)
[01:17]Take all the pleasure for your own, Baby you’re a little selfish (只顾自己享受 你多少有点自私)
[01:21]Used to worry if I don’t reply your message in a minute (原来还会因为我没有秒回你而担心)
[01:24]Now you convince yourself maybe I’m busy and just leave it (现在说服自己我在忙后 不再过问)
[01:27]I’m cool with not being intimate with you in the public (让我别在公共场合举止亲密 没什么大不了)
[01:31]But can’t I buried you deep in my chest when you’re asleep (难道你入睡时 还不能把你深埋怀里)
[01:35]Always like things special, Am I really in your league (你总是喜欢特别的东西 怀疑自己能否入你的法眼)
[01:39]Is half of me delusional, The other half just stupid (觉得你看得上我 那我要么是妄想 要么不太聪明)

[01:43]What do you need me for, I can’t even make you happy (要我何用 甚至无法取悦你)
[01:46]You laugh harder with your friends than when you’re with me (你和朋友一起的时候笑得更开心)
[01:50]The long distance is killing me and destroying the relationship (异地恋摧残着我 也危害着我们的关系)
[01:54]Baby honestly, Wanna repair it or replace me? (老实说 你想挽救 或干脆找个人代替)

Verse 2:
[01:57]Yeah I know, When I make you cry I’m an asshole (当我害你哭泣 我又何尝不知自己多垃圾)
[02:01]I should have planned our trips wherever you wanna go (我本应提前做好攻略 不论你想去哪里)
[02:05]I should've conveyed my urge to see you by teleporting to your door (我本应表达想见你的冲动 恨不得瞬移到你家去)
[02:08]I should have always stood by you, No matter who your foe is (我本应永远支持你 不管谁和你对立)
[02:12]Instead I skip to the moral before telling the story (而我却不讲故事 只讲道理)
[02:16]-Of how we’d tell them to f*** off to show you my empathy (不和你一起大骂傻* 以此证明我理解你)
[02:19]Doesn’t matter if it’s too late to say all these (不管说这些是否太迟)
[02:23]All I know is I owe you an apology, Hey baby I’m sorry (我只知道我欠你句道歉 对不起)


[02:41]Finally decide to take action after some introspection, For sure (终于决定付诸行动 经过必要的自我检讨)
[02:45]My undoubted affection for you, Listen to my confession (感受我对你不渝的情感和告白)
[02:49]Standing at the intersection, No determination in either of us (在分岔路口的我们 都还未下定决心)
[02:52]No indication of we splitting up, We aren't optional in each other's life (也没有要分开的征兆 毕竟我们对于彼此并非可有可无的存在)
[02:56]My pride will still be mine, No matter I spit or swallow (不论我大放厥词或忍气吞声 我的自尊也不会被磨灭)
[03:00]Seriously, it’s not the time, For us to say farewell (现在可还不到我们分别的时候)
[03:04]You’re only gone for a while, My heart already feels hollow (你一不在身边 我心中便感到空虚)
[03:07]I want us to be in cuddle, Even in the middle of a quarrel (即使在争吵中 我也要和你相拥)

