

你在我触及不到的平行宇宙 - Dazzing T

你在我触及不到的平行宇宙-Dazzing T.mp3
[00:00.000] 作词 : 无 [00:02.03]你在我触及不到的平...
[00:00.000] 作词 : 无
[00:03.20]词/Dazzing T
[00:03.30]曲/FYNial/Dazzing T
[01:25.45]I met another Girl (我遇到了一个女孩)
[01:27.42]I...(我觉得) I really this is the one(这辈子就是她了)
[01:31.37]Name's Yalia(她叫伊利亚) That's her righe there
[01:39.22]And that makes me want to follow my heart(我想要跟着我的心走)
[01:42.66]But maybe we've spent too trying to figure all this out with theory(我们习惯了依靠理论现实来解决问题,已经太久了)
[01:47.12]when I say that love isn't something we's...(我们要明白,爱,不是人类发明出来的东西)observable,powerful(它一直存在,而且很强大)
[02:19.56]Could they be talking to us from the future?(能从未来向现在说话吗)
[02:22.14]Is there any possibility(有没有一种可能)
[02:24.62]I don't konw,some kind of a way we can maybe all jump in a black hole(通过时间跳跃进入黑洞)
[02:27.20]Gain back the years(让时间倒流回你还在我身边的时候) Time is relative,okay?(时间是相对的,懂吗?)
[02:33.37]It can stretch and it can squeeze, can't run backwards. it just can't(它可以拉长也可以压缩,但就是不能倒退,永远不可能)
[02:41.01]The only thing that can move across dimensions,like time,is gravity(唯一能像时间一样,在维度中移动的,是万有引力)
[02:43.19]"they" are beings of five dimensions(她是存在于五维空间的生命体)
[02:44.81]To them,time mighe be another physical dimension.
[02:45.01]the past might be a canyon that can climb into and the futurea a mountain they can climb up.But to us,it's not,okay?(对她来说,时间也许是另一个空间的实体,过去可能就是一个可以爬上去的山谷,而未来,是一座可以爬上去的山,跟你完全不同,知道吗?)
[03:00.84]You told me(你跟我保证过)
[03:02.66]you once told me that when you came back,we mighe be the same age,and today I'm the age you were when you left.(当我们再见的时候,我和你也许是一样的年纪。今天,我就到了你离开时的年龄)
[03:09.44]So it would be a real good time for you to come back(所以,现在就应该是你回来的时候了)
[03:42.21]So alone,It'S perfeet planet,and we won't find another one like her.(好孤单啊,再也找不到像她一样完美的星球了)
[03:48.18]I never made one of these when you were still responding..because I was so mad at you for leaving.(在你有消息的时候,我没有说过话,因为我还在为你的离开生气)
[03:55.36]And then when you went quiet,it..(然后就没有你的消息了)
[03:56.73]seemed like I should live with that deeision.And I Have.(看起来,我也只好这么活下去了)
[04:00.32]Love is the one thing we're capable of perceiving that transcends dimensions of time and space.(爱是宇宙间最强大的力量,只有爱可以穿越时空)