

奥巴马会见缅甸总统(1/2) - 英语听力

"For decades, Americans have been deeply concerned...
"For decades, Americans have been deeply concerned about the denial of basic human rights for the Burmese people," U.S. President Barack Obama said recently in Bali, Indonesia, "We have always had a profound respect for the people of Burma and the promise of their country -- a country with a rich history, at the crossroads of East and West; a people with a quiet dignity and extraordinary potential." For many years, both the promise and the persecution of the Burmese people have been symbolized by Aung San Suu Kyi, the leader of Burma's democratic opposition. "As the daughter of Burma's founding father, and a fierce advocate for her fellow citizens, she's endured prison and house arrest, just as so many Burmese have endured repression," President Obama said, "Yet after years of darkness, we've seen flickers of progress in these last several weeks." The President of Burma and the Burmese Parliament have taken steps toward political reform. A dialogue between the government and Aung San Suu Kyi has begun. Some political prisoners have been released. Media restrictions have been relaxed, and legislations have been approved that could open the political environment.

在近期召开的印尼巴厘岛会议上,美国总统奥巴马表示:“数年来,美国深切关心缅甸人民基本人权遭否决的问题。美国向来十分尊重缅甸人民,缅甸历史悠久,目前正徘徊在东西方道路的十字路口,缅甸人民低调地维护其尊严,拥有深厚的发展潜力,美国对缅甸的未来充满希望。” 多年以来,以民主反对派领导昂山素季为代表,缅甸人民既饱有希望,同时也遭受压迫。“作为缅甸开国元勋之女,昂山素季为缅甸同胞争取民主进行了激烈的抗争,甚至遭受牢狱和软禁之灾,其他缅甸人民也遭到镇压。但是,经历了多年的黑暗之后,我们最近终于看到了改革与发展的曙光。” 缅甸总统和国会正在逐步进行改革,政府和昂山素季的对话已经展开。此前的一些政治犯也已被释放。政府对媒体的限制进一步放宽,立法的确认使政治环境更加开放。