

S05E14-2 落跑王妃(2) - 英语听力

S05E14-2 落跑王妃(2)-英语听力.mp3
B: It was you who sent in that video to Gossip Gir...
B: It was you who sent in that video to Gossip Girl.?
C: And set me up to take the fall?
S: Um,yeah. Yeah fine, It was um. It was me who did it, but I did it for the two of you.
B: You ruined my wedding for me? I know you never believed in my pact, but this wasn't your choice to make.
S:I didn't do it to hurt you, Blair. But you choosing to run away with Dan, knowing how I feel about him and not telling me any of it, that hurt,too.
C: I can charter a plane, we can be in the Dominican Republicby sunrise.
B: Chuck.
P:_Blair will not be going anywhere with anyone but my son.
GG: Uh-oh,B. Looks like you were right about their royal reach. Hope your plane ticket's refundable.

是你把视频发给八卦天后的。 还让我背黑锅。 是。好吧,是我。但我都是为了你们俩。 你为了我却毁了我的婚礼? 我知道你不相信我的誓言,但我的事情不应该由你来决定。 我所做的一切不是为了伤害你,布莱尔。但你却和丹逃之夭夭,明知道我心里还有他。却这样瞒着我,真的很伤人。 我可以包架飞机,天亮就能到多米尼加。 恰克。 布莱尔不会跟任何人走,除了我儿子。 B,看来你还是被皇家势力逮到了。但愿你的飞机票还能退。