

三三两两 - 凌分贝0dB

[00:03.69]作曲:陈笑颜 [00:05.42]作词:陈笑颜 [00:...
[00:09.12]编曲:植 健
[00:13.81]纷纷扰扰 时间还早 你未注意到
[00:19.10]眼神一触到她 总会多个几秒
[00:24.99]我已明了 卑微多高 骄傲多渺小
[00:30.22]剧情俗套无聊 还没开始就哀悼
[00:36.20]别再让我帮你挑选 百天礼物纪念
[00:41.49]这不胜其烦 更会让我难堪 一切与我无关
[00:47.31]别再让我陪你一同 准备所谓浪漫
[00:52.93]暗自盘算 掩藏反感 我怕被拆穿
[01:09.65]三个说笑 两个玩闹 一人受煎熬
[01:14.88]疼痛蜿蜒缠绕 爬上眼角眉梢
[01:20.78]装不知道 说得轻巧 谁能做得到
[01:26.40]心跳有多聒噪 真实就有多可笑
[01:32.00]别再问我她怎样了 生你的气了没
[01:37.14]这是错是对 或是给你安慰 自问孰是孰非
[01:42.88]别再问我她还好么 为何短信不回
[01:48.59]内心鬼祟 不愿理会 我什么滋味
[01:59.86]那干脆 都烧毁 割掉心的负累
[02:05.15]一点污秽 三段两两崩溃
[02:10.62]若越轨 谁虚伪 谁获罪
[02:14.98]我不想理会 狼狈的后退(Back to the time only you and me.I thought maybe just the right time that I need to leave.)
[02:22.23]太倔强的这一位 和太善良的那一对(You say you want my help, so what do you need?That’s all really not I want, and what do you mean?)
[02:27.54]都对 彼此太可贵(Once or twice, I can try to keep quiet.But if you do it all the time, you might ruin my life.)
[02:33.20]自以为 撕心裂肺太卑微 (I can’t stand on her left, with your arm around her waist.)
[02:36.30]支离破碎才尊贵(Leave you might be right,I felt too much pain.)
[02:39.30]别再问我她怎样了 生你的气了没(沉默对不对)
[02:44.23]这是错是对 或是给你安慰 自问孰是孰非(是错是对都会给你安慰)
[02:50.27]别再问我她还好么 为何短信不回(就要崩溃)
[02:55.72]内心鬼祟 不愿理会 我什么滋味
[03:01.30]I will give my best wishes to you.
[03:04.23]And right here there is nothing I can do.
[03:07.31]It's right time and right chance to go.
[03:09.36]So let me free.
[03:10.74]Forget the thing about you.
[03:14.93]And all the days we've been through.